Nah, it wasn't. It probably came from bats and spread by neglectful nuns.
So it came from bats and was spread by "old bats."
this interview in der spiegel is well worth your time.... peter piot was one of the scientists who discovered ebola in 1976. turns out it was the fault of catholic nuns who coldn't be bothered to sterilise the needles they were using to administer vitamins to pregnant women.. he describes the present outbreak as "a perfect storm" which could claim a frightening number of lives in africa and india.
he doesn't see it as a serious threat to countries with a modern health care system.. "i still remember exactly: one day in september, a pilot from sabena airlines brought us a shiny blue thermos and a letter from a doctor in kinshasa in what was then zaire...".
Nah, it wasn't. It probably came from bats and spread by neglectful nuns.
So it came from bats and was spread by "old bats."
why, if you're a health care worker who's been exposed to the ebola virus, would you get on an airplane and travel right after?.
This confirms my sneaking suspicion that this country is actually as ass-backwards as I think it is.
this is part of the speech that anthony morris iii gave during his time in the limelight at the 2014 annual meeting.. at 3.16.32 of the recorded meeting.
"what role do those with an earthly hope play?
oh oh ho veeeery important role, very important.
After listening to that comment, I wish there really was a Christ in heaven. . . . .
Everyone would take a few steps away from Tony next time he's on the golf course. . . . .
hi guys,.
here's the press release for jw podcast, where we discuss the show and the presenters.. i'd love to hear your feedback!.
there is a video on jw org titled "what happens at a kingdom hall?
" i wouldn't suggest that you watch it as it's pretty sickly, as usual they are praying on emotions in order to encourage people to attend their halls.. the video is presented by a female but does show her face.
it just seems weird that they have allowed a woman to star in this very prominant role.
Okay, but do these "Kingdom Halls" have saunas and fitness centers like these guys?
hello all, as you know, when jw tv was announced, our board went wild.
many comments, much speculation and alot of negative feedback on the quality, etc.
well, what has me concerned is that i have not heard a peep from any of my connections left in kingdom-land.
It seems to be quite polarizing.
For all of the nutjob types who used to paste the daily text or articles from the mags on their Instagram account (before they were threatened with legal action by their beloved Org) this the greatest, most wonderful blessing in all history. They claim to be crying they're so overjoyed. Praise Jah!
Most everybody else acts like it doesn't exist. It's as if they were embarrassed, which they should be.
i am applying to chemical engineering course in the uk through ucas (a lot of things changed since i've posted last time).. i have a lot of skills i developed while regular pioneering, like public speaking skills, ability to reason (even if it's bs), presentational skills etc.. i feel it would boost my personal statement a lot, but i'm also afraid they would say "this guy beleives in god, and loves science, he must be creationist.
away with him".. how could i mention that i gave interviews front of thousands of people and did voluntary work in my hometown without giving a bad impression?.
i don't want to go into details and start explaining myself that "however i don't beleive in god", or something like that.
Sorry for the delay. . . . I've been in classes all evening!
It was applying for admission to the university. Just looked up my essay. Here's the pertinent info in the essay:
"When I graduated from High School in 19**, I decided to volunteer for a local ministry work as one of Jehovah's Witnesses. . . ."
later in the essay. . . .
"My volunteer efforts reached a high point in 2***- 2*** when I was privileged to serve as a congregation elder at the ******* congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses. During that time I was regularly involved in local proselytizing efforts, offered guidance to congregation members wishing to achieve personal goals, and presided over the Theocratic Ministry school, an in-house public speaking and teaching program designed to help individuals improve their personal ministry and teaching skills. . . ."
So yes, I was very specific, and of course, full of shit.
I never said, "I now fully reject that religion and am an atheist." What I think I was trying to say or explain in all of this was What the hell I had been doing for the past twenty years since graduating HS!
Honestly, for an engineering program I don't think they'd think twice about your religious background. Even though engineering is based upon science, it probably has a higher percentage of believers than most of the sciences.
i am applying to chemical engineering course in the uk through ucas (a lot of things changed since i've posted last time).. i have a lot of skills i developed while regular pioneering, like public speaking skills, ability to reason (even if it's bs), presentational skills etc.. i feel it would boost my personal statement a lot, but i'm also afraid they would say "this guy beleives in god, and loves science, he must be creationist.
away with him".. how could i mention that i gave interviews front of thousands of people and did voluntary work in my hometown without giving a bad impression?.
i don't want to go into details and start explaining myself that "however i don't beleive in god", or something like that.
I put my JW experience in my essay: public speaking, leadership role, volunteering. . . That's all they care about.
Got my #1 pick first try.
i suppose that this question falls under the topic of "personal experiences.
" so, i have a question for the members of the site: has anyone had any experience with a malady called "chlostridium dificille infection"?
either yourself personally, or a relative or a friend?
Never had it, but was reading an article about treatment the other day: